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If you’re looking for a job, there’s a lot of resources available to nail that first interview. But the first interview is sometimes just a gateway to the next meeting. A second interview can be more indepth and often involves more people than just the hiring manager. Preparing for it can be very different than preparing for the first one. Here are 3 ways you can nail your second interview.  

Consider the First Interview 

If you’ve been called in for a second interview it’s because the first one went well enough the hiring manager wants to see more. So use this opportunity to consider the first interview. Think about how it went, what kinds of questions they asked, and how you answered. Think about anything you wish you had said during that meeting. You need to be just as prepared for a second interview, but you will also be thrown some curveballs so plan ahead. You may not be able to predict exactly how they will approach the interview, but you can research the company more fully and be ready.  

Know Who You’re Meeting With  

For your first interview, you probably met with just the hiring manager. For a second interview, that may still be the case the likelihood is that you’ll meet with multiple people. They may have you interview with another manager, an HR representative, or even other employees in the same department. There may even be some instances where you will meet with a panel of interviewers or that you’ll be taken to meet other people in the office. Be prepared for any possible combination.  

Prepare More Questions 

Surelyin your first interview, you had a few questions to ask the employer. These help a company know who is engaged and interested in the job. You need to up your question game for the second interview. By now, you know more about the job itself and the potential expectations. Now you can ask more pointed questions about the job itself. Other questions to consider include:  

  • What is your favorite part about working at this company?  
  • What are the long-term expectations for a person in this role?  

This is also an okay opportunity to ask about salary, benefits, and future opportunities for someone hired by their company.  

Are you prepared for your next interview? Call Nextaff Temp Agency in Topeka now.  

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