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Having people who can greatly support why you should be hired by a new employer is an important part of the job seeking process. Here are some tips for giving out great references to potential employers.

Talk to Your References First

Don’t just list people on your resume or to an interviewer without talking to them first. If they get caught off guard, they may not give your desired answer, so ask them if they agree to be contacted first. In addition, talking with them first will let you find out if they will actually give you a great review. Don’t automatically assume that they will. Feel free to ask them questions they could be asked to see what kinds of responses they would give.

Send Them Your Resume

Send them your resume so that they get a better idea of your skills and talents. Furthermore, you can send a job description or explain the job that you’re applying for and what kinds of skills you want them to highlight for you. They may even have more great information to provide that you might not have thought of!

Not All References Are the Same

Just as jobs tend to come in a variety, so too should your contacts. Whoever can positively speak on your skills and experience required by each job, should be selected. It can be advantageous to choose different references for different jobs. Your relationship with the reference, the capacity you worked with each other, and the skills they can vouch for should be catered to each application you submit.

Appreciate Them

Want to be able to use those same references next time? Make sure to thank them! You can do this in person, through a thank-you card, or even offer to take them to dinner or to buy them a bottle of wine. Some reference checks are very thorough and time consuming. The most precious thing anyone has is time, and they are giving theirs on your behalf to improve your career without reward. They are also putting their own reputation on the line for you, so let them know you appreciate it!

Not Including Your Current Employer?

Perhaps you do not want your current employer to know you are searching for a new job, or perhaps there is not a very good rapport between you. Whatever the reason, you do not want to raise red flags. Some alternatives would be to include a close coworker, or a lead that you worked directly under. You can cater your reasonings to help your case, rather than hurt it. You could mention that you are providing your coworker because you worked closely each day with them and they can more accurately vouch for your work ethic or skills than your boss who you rarely had any interaction with.

Based on this article, we recommend you read: 4 Tips To Get You Interview ReadyTips For Talking About Your Previous Job During the Interview, and After the Interview: 3 Follow-Up Tips.

NEXTAFF is a temporary staffing agency devoted to our clients and candidates throughout the United States. For more interview tips and ideas, contact us. We are always hiring, so if you or someone you know is looking for work, check out our job board below and apply today!
