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Let’s face it: interviewing for a new job can be pretty intimidating. It feels like there’s a lot at stake when you’re putting yourself out there for someone who is supposed to like you enough to pay you to do something.

Here are seven secrets that’ll help you conquer your fears and get the most out of your next interview:

  1. Interviews are a two-way street. First and foremost, remember that this interview is not just for the company to learn about you. It is always a good decision to show curiosity about your position, workplace culture, company history, and even the personal lives of those interviewing you. At the end of the day, it’s just a friendly discussion to see if you are a good fit for each other. Asking polite, professional questions regarding the nature of the position and the exciting potential of your employment will show that you are genuinely interested in working there and not just anywhere. Plus, it will give you insight into the business that you may be investing yourself in for some time. Make sure they’re right for you!
  2. It’s an interview, not an interrogationIt is very easy to stress over the very thought of someone asking you questions when you have not had the liberty of preparing answers beforehand. Remember: this is a conversation between you and another person (or possibly multiple people). Making a connection is part of the process, so you don’t want to come across like you are scared of the interviewer by giving answers that sound cold and anxious. If you get the job, you will all have to work together; sparking that compatibility as early as possible is a key to success.
  3. Be polite. In sounds like a no-brainer, but manners really do go a long way in any situation. “Please” and “thank you” show that you are gracious for the consideration and that you respect everyone in the room as well as the company as a whole. You could be considerably under-qualified, but your sheer capacity to appreciate the opportunity may win your crowd over. That being said…
  4. Don’t be afraid to boast. For the more modest job hunters, it can be uncomfortable to have to brag about your qualifications. Introverts, heed this wisdom: bragging is an important part of interviews. This is your invitation to talk candidly about everything you’ve ever accomplished in your professional (and sometimes personal) life. Employers want to know what makes you valuable, so indulge in a little showing off at your next interview.
  5. Come prepared. You don’t need to write an entire script to pull off a good interview. You do, however, need to show that you did some prep work, even if that just means printing off your resume in advance. Just because you submitted it online doesn’t mean you shouldn’t show up with a copy. Have your experience ready to show on paper as a framework and jumping point for your conversation. In addition, feel free to bring a notepad or a list of questions to ask when the time calls for them. Any work that you’ve done to prepare for the interview will show your potential employer that you are serious about working with them.
  6. Cater your experiences to the position. Remember to think about what your job will entail if hired. Usually, you can extract skills and accomplishments from any past work or volunteer experience to discuss at your interview and cater them directly to your new position. Think about what you have learned and how you could apply it to the job you are interviewing for. It can be as specific as skills with a particular computer program or as broad as leadership qualities that you developed over time. Tell them why you are qualified because of what you have done and what you have learned.
  7. If it’s meant to be, it will happen. If you walk out of the interview feeling awful, do not let it bring you down. Every interview is a learning experience, and you did the best you could with this one. When all is said and done, you will be hired if you are right for the position, regardless of how you feel. Employers know what they are looking for, so, if you don’t make the cut, you have to trust that the position wasn’t right for you. Live, learn, and go land that next interview.

Based on this article, we recommend you read: Acing the Interview as a New Job Seeker5 Smart Questions to Ask During Your Job Interview, and 5 Interview Tips About Staying Calm.

For more interview tips, check out the NEXTAFF Talent Blog or contact us directly.

NEXTAFF is a temporary staffing agency devoted to our clients and candidates throughout the United States. For more job tips and ideas, contact us. We are always hiring, so if you or someone you know is looking for work, check out our job board below and apply today! We are able to service all your staffing agency needs with local staffing offices in Raleigh-NC, Overland Park-KS, Topeka-KS, Kansas City-MO, Dallas-TX, Houston-TX, Gulf Coast-MS, Phoenix-AZ, Miami-FL, Orlando-FL, and Harrisburg-PA.
