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Business revolves around people, people are the heart and soul of everything we do. A company can’t function without its employees, just as without customers there really is no reason for the company to exist. Once you find a market niche and you have the idea for a great company, what’s the next item needed to turn an idea into something really great? People.

The employees can make or break a company, particularly when it’s a smaller one or a start-up. The larger, established companies can sometimes get away with not having the same quality. But the companies who take the time to create that quality in their employees wind up offering the best product and their customers do notice the difference. Whether it’s in customer service or in the product itself the better the overall experience the more customers choose them over any competitors. 

The same goes for potential employees choosing which company to apply for. They don’t consider everything that goes into the hiring process, they are more focused on being a good fit for the job you need filled as well as looking at the benefits included with the position. On the other hand, you as a business have to think about all the legal and financial ramifications of hiring new employees. With so many safety and legal standards it’s hard to focus on everything you need to do to find quality employees while still running your business on top of everything else. 

With all the hoops employment laws provide for a company to jump through the costs can become quite expensive. Even if you’re employing someone at a rate of $8.00 an hour, you’re still looking at about $3,500.00 to have them properly checked out, with background checks, drug testing, paperwork and the cost of man power to conduct the interview etc. All the little parts add up quickly, not to mention advertising, processing paperwork and having employees to get the new employees through the hiring process.

Finding good employees is potentially a time-consuming and expensive process. But it doesn’t have to, that’s the beauty of using an outside company to find that  great talent you’re looking for. They can take care of many aspects of the hiring process allowing you to look at your potential recruit instead of having to worry about all the other aspects involved. If you love your company and you want the best for it, then why not simplify your process and give yourself the best chance to find the right employee for the job as well as saving you time and money.