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Administrative roles are the backbone of any organization. There are various positions that fall under this umbrella and they all contribute to the overall success of a company. Whether you’re looking for administrative or clerical support, it’s important that you know what qualities to look for and how to make a good match with your current team. Here are a few ways we can help you hire superstars for your admin roles.  

Administrative Skills and Experience 

As you know, hard skills and experience are essential for success in any workplace. But what kinds of skills should administrative professionals bring to the table? The actual answer will depend largely on the type of work they’ll be doing for you but some skills include:  

  • Typing 
  • Proficiency in software such as Microsoft Office 
  • Alpha-numeric filing 

Soft Skills 

Beyond specific experience, you need to take a look at the soft skills an administrative candidate brings to the table. Soft skills are those intangible skills that you can’t always put your finger on. Things like: 

  • Communication 
  • Problemsolving 
  • Critical thinking 
  • Organization 


Your admin candidates also need to bring a very specific soft skill to the table. Regardless of the level of their position, from office manager to executive assistant, an administrative support professional will be dealing with people at all levels from customers to vendors to executives. Professionalism is essential for the role.  

Proper Candidate Vetting 

Of course, once you find candidates who fit your expectations, your job with hiring them is not over. You need to ensure that they have the experience they’ve described. This may include skills testing or background checks. You also want to make sure you’ve checked their references to know that their experience is aligned with what you need.  

Placement and Support 

Of course, you don’t have to do this on your own. Partnering with a staffing agency that specializes in administrative placements gives you the peace of mind to know that every candidate you speak with is qualified for your open position. And once you hire an administrative team member, you and they receive continued support from your account manager.  


Are you looking for administrative professionals to fill your open positions?

Nextaff Temp Agency in Raleigh can help, so call now.  

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